Homeless Essay: Discussing Debatable Issue

Essay on the homeless can and should contribute to the active action towards the issue. Today, we live in the world where homelessness is one of the major problems in almost every country and every city. Every country’s situation differs from other countries, and therefore the rate of unemployment might be low, average, or high. In this way, for example, the San Francisco Bay Area has a much higher rate of homelessness rather than Kansas City in MO.

You would ask is it only the rate of unemployment which causes this issues? Not necessarily. Much depends on the affordability of living in the area, meaning that economic and sociopolitical aspects influence the average level of living standards. In some regions, it might be too cheap to live, but in others, it might be too expensive to live in. Such discrepancy leads to inequality, which ultimately leads to homelessness.

It’s crucial to understand why it is essential to write and stand up for the issue on social platforms, forums, etc. Writing about serious issues needs and requires lots of research for the specific topic, analyzing different kinds of sources, delivering information in the simplest language, and ultimately leading the audience to further actions and proposing personal solutions of the issue.

How to Write a Homeless Essay in the Most Efficient Way?

First of all, what does it mean “in the most efficient way?” Well, “how to write a homeless essay” doesn’t only require the descriptive aspect of the problem, but rather persuading and calling the audience for action.

Everything starts with the background research information. You should know the general context of your essay. Maybe you are addressing the homelessness issue in your local area, or the city, or even the country? Knowing your potential audience is essential knowledge to keep in mind because in this way you will be more personally engaged if imagining yourself in the skin of that audience.

Secondly, analyzing data is a core mission for you to make your essay readable. People love numbers, especially if those numbers are compared with each other. Living in the age of big data, retrieving and analyzing data is essential for almost every aspect of our life. By bringing new knowledge of the topic, you will show the audience that you are an expert in the field. Doing this, you will eventually bring trust to your audience, who will ultimately be persuaded.

Homeless Essay Introduction — How to Start

The homeless essay introduction should always provide the general information about the homelessness issue. Tell people why it is important to take action right away? How and to what extent this issue can influence such aspects of life as the economy, sociopolitical image, etc. All these things should be as much transparent as it is possible. Be very specific and detail oriented.

Homeless Essay Body Paragraph Features

The body paragraph also should have its own structure. Depending on your personal motivation for the essay, you should know and create the outline for your essay. Tell people not only what and where show them how and why it is important in people’s lives.

Writing the essay on this topic will help you to create a sense of community between you and your audience, whose powers can be easily merged to solve the problem. Telling people your personal motivation is important too. Why do you care about homelessness? And what do you think about it?

Proposing your own solutions is essential. Maybe you’ve created the fundraising campaign to help the homeless people? Or maybe you are providing some educational training for those people? Or maybe you will start collaborating with the local university and school to develop specialized programs for homeless people?

Homeless Essay Conclusion

The concluding part should always be the summary of all the most important points of your essay. And, of course, a call for action for your audience to follow up.

Effective Homeless Essay Topics and Bright Ideas

Homeless essay topics might range from the most basic questions like “What is homelessness?” to some complicated questions such as “Poverty in Europe.” Here is the list of potential topics:

  • How to cope with homelessness in your local area?
  • The devastating effects of the increased homelessness rate.
  • What can we do to solve the issue of unemployment?
  • Why does poverty affect homelessness?
  • How to help homeless people?

One of the primary purposes of your essay can be disclosing some effective ways of helping the homeless. Therefore, if your audience are homeless people themselves and you are writing the essay for a local newspaper, you should provide some valuable list of services that are available to them. Most homeless people are not aware of those types of services, which is why it’s quite important to address this information to that audience.

What can be done to help the homeless? What you and others can bring to solve the issue? What are the main ways of reducing the rate of unemployment and poverty? A homeless essay should be informative, descriptive, persuasive, and most importantly, helpful.